CU Commuter Project

A Logo, Guide, and more
Graphic Design

CU Commuter Guide / Logo

During my time as a temporary designer at CU, I spent time creating the branding for the commuter student initiatives at CU Boulder.
My supervisor asked me to design a new commuter guide. This is basically an off-campus student's survival guide. I enjoyed working on this project as I got to pass down my wisdom from being a recent student.

John Mackin
CU Boulder / OCH
CU Boulder Campus
work brief

To create a logo and image for the new Commuter student initiatives that my supervisor put together. These initiatives ranged from putting together an informational guide for students deemed Commuter students, hiring commuter student mentors to answer questions for commuter students, and creating email groups to send out information. My boss wanted to have a face for the indicatives. This is where I came in an designed a logo, and brand identity that coincided with thew CU "Be Boulder" Branding colors.

Header use in Email Blasts

Above, you can see the topographic pattern texture I utilized for the email header. While below, the same texture is used on the front cover of the Commuter Guide. Using a texture to describe a brand, helps it consumers relate the content together. I thus used the topographic design as the

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Are You Ready? So I’am