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Roots Rising Botanicals

Brand Logo and Product Label
Graphic Design

Roots Rising Logo and Label

The owner of a small local herbal medicine company approached me looking to give a face to her small company. She wanted to have a professional logo and label design for her herbal medicine products.

John Mackin
ROots Rising
Boulder, CO
Label On Herbal Product

Above, you can see the label I designed being used on a Roots Rising product. This label was meant to fit on an assortment of glass bottle sizes. After doing some investigation into the sizes of bottles she was using, we decided to do a 2" x 2" label size would fit her needs the best.

The client wanted a one-time payment for the design while retaining the flexibility to update the product name as needed. To address this, the design was delivered as a PDF, allowing her to easily edit the typography for the product title and ingredients label.

This client is now able to print and edit her own branded labels from the comfort of her production space without further assistance from a designer.

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