The Remedy

Weekly Playlist Curated by the Artists
Graphic Design

The Remedy

The Remedy playlist series is one of my main focusing projects for TSIS. Almost every week, we released a playlist curated by the artist of that week.
I put together a template for this project that houses the artist's The Remedy title, volume #, the artist recent press shot, logo, and a colored gradient. The colors are typically pulled from the artist latest album cover or branding to get the look and feel to work with that artist.
Below you will see a collection of my favorite ones I have worked on over the passed year.

John Mackin
This Song Is Sick
Denver, CO
work brief

Each week I create these assets, I create 3 different layouts. A playlist cover / IG post layout, a IG story layout, and finally, a banner size to be featured on the blog's website - this also becomes the asset used when sharing the article on social media outlets

  • Playlist Cover / IG Post
  • IG Story
  • Banner Layout
Let’s Talk

Are You Ready? So I’am